Notice of Security Incident

Patrick Nicholson

More commonly known as “Nic”, Pat Nicholson is Vice President of Business Development & Sales Operations at Alta Resources. He began his career at Alta in 1995 as a Program Director for one of our sales teams. Much of his experience since has been in leading sales teams, as well as forming relationships with prospective and existing client-partners. Through his procurement efforts and knowledge of best practices, technology and process improvement, Pat has been closely involved with all of our clients and verticals, as well as the innovative solutions we use to serve them.

A graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Pat has a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Personnel Management. He has extensive experience in business development and sales-team leadership, as evidenced by his tenure at Whitehall-Robins (now Pfizer). Pat is also currently serving as Treasurer on the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals (SOCAP) Board of Directors.