At Alta we have set a high standard for securing our
customers’ data and our clients’ peace of mind. Operating in a changed world of
highly sensitive personal information and privacy concerns, we have best
practices rooted in system integrity, security and auditing compliance. We
currently foster a S.A.F.E. environment that complies with multiple agencies,
such as the FDA, HIPAA and more.
In addition to compliance audits in progress, we, along with
the largest payment-card processors, have joined the ranks of the securest of
the secure. Because we transact millions of payment cards annually on behalf of
multiple clients, we must satisfy a yearly audit, which includes employee
training, facility-access controls and system tests. Passing the audit gives us
top-tier status (level one) with the payment-card industry’s (PCI)
Data-Security Standards, governed by the Security Standards Council“.
Alta is committed to protecting sensitive data. On an ongoing basis, data stewards within the organization, principally IT, are responsible for keeping corporate data secure and private. We will do everything possible to ensure that your data and your customers’ data is safe with us.